Colored Forms and Friday Information

Good afternoon parents, 

Today I sent home an envelope with colored forms with your child. Please fill out every form and send them back by this Thursday, September 14. 

Please note, this Friday September 15, the AM group has NO SCHOOL. If your child regularly comes to school in the morning, they do not attend school on this day. If your child regularly comes to school in the PM (afternoon) group, they do have school on Friday. They will come to school in the morning this time, from 8:30-11:20.  Please refer to the Friday schedule that was sent home during the staggered entry. 

This Friday September 15, is also the CJFS annual Pancake Breakfast from 8:00am-8:30am. ALL parents and students are welcome! Since the AM group has no school, they are still welcome to attend for the breakfast in the school gym with their family. Only PM students will come to classroom for regular school after the breakfast. All students must be accompanied by a parent for the Pancake Breakfast.

Thank you!


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