Lots of Learning!
Dear Parents,

As part of our study on colors and sorting, the students became explorers and went outside to our Naturalization Area to explore and hunt for objects of different colors. They collected their findings in a brown paper bag and brought them to the classroom to share and sort by color!
The students are becoming experts at sorting and can even sort socks for you using the sorting rule of light versus dark!
We also spent some time sorting pieces of tissue paper in our journal and counting. The students chose 4 different colors to sort in their journal and used glue sticks to glue them down. They then practiced counting how many pieces of each color they had glued inside each box. Counting is a skill that you can also practice daily at home!
Another exciting thing we did this past week was the Terry Fox Run! Thank you very much to the parents who helped support our school initiative by donating to Terry. The students were very excited to run. By looking at a biography that was written about him, the students learned how SPECIAL and UNIQUE Terry Fox was. We learned just how brave he was to run across Canada, raising money for cancer.
We also extended our learning by looking at other biographies of more important people in our world, including Alexander Graham Bell, Beethoven, John Cabot, Mother Tereza, Wayne Gretzky, Sir John A MacDonald, and many more. The students became "researchers" and examined photos in books to learn about why these individuals were SPECIAL.
We are going to continue our work this week by looking at some AUTOBIOGRAPHIES!
Please ask your child to share more about what they enjoyed and learned from the activities we did!
Just a friendly reminder Parents:
Please book a Parent Teacher Conference for this week by going online at www.cbe.ab.ca/b348, or call the office.
Please speak to Ms. Shustack or Ms. Gulamhusein if you are having any trouble.
The options for interviews are:
Thursday: 1:00pm-3:00pm, 4:00pm-8:00pm
Friday: 8:30am-1:00pm
This Thursday the PM Class will attend school from 8:30-11:20. The AM class has no school!
Friday there is no school for all students!
Hi guys you are learning a lot of suff😃 Janaya