Lines, Lines and More Lines!

Welcome back parents! We hope you had a restful winter break with your families!

Since we have been back at school, the kindergarteners have been developing their understanding and recognition of a variety of lines and how they make pictures and letters, as we begin our alphabet inquiry.

Feel free to ask your child about the different types of lines and see if they can spot them around the house or when you are out!

Here are some examples:

Here are some guided drawings that we did using different lines: 

Lastly, in Math, we have began to look at patters around the world (for example, in animals, clothing, nature and our community). The students were given a variety of photos and they had to explore what patterns they found. Below are some examples of pictures they looked at:

**Please remember to book a conference for next Thursday or Friday so we can share more of our learning with you :) **


Ms. G and Ms. S


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