Celebrating our Learning

Good afternoon everyone!

We can't believe it's already Spring Break!

Here's a look at some of the things we have been working over the last couple of weeks:

Using literacy, students were introduced to collecting and analyzing information through graphing. We read "The Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. Then, we kept track of the fruits the caterpillar ate each day. We did this by sticking photos of the fruits onto the chart. After, we talked about patterns we noticed in how much he ate each day. As an extension, students got the chance to write their name on a sticky and place their name on top of the fruit they liked the most. We then introduced them to the worlds "most" and "least" by asking the following questions:
"Which fruit do the students like the most?"
"Which fruit do the students like the least?"
We worked on counting using 1-1 correspondence and discussed how we knew which fruit had the most vs the least.

This game is called "Crossout". Students pair up and take turns rolling 2 dice. They count the dots and add them together. Then, they have to find the corresponding number on their game board and cross it out. The person who has the most X's (crossouts) wins the game :)
Students also learned how to count on during this activity as we taught them to always start with the bigger number (on the dice) and then count on from there. This is helpful skill that you can easily practice at home! :)

The above 4 pictures are from 2 of our new alphabet centers. The first 2 is the writing center where students use their knowledge of alphabet sounds to begin to write short CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant) such as cat, bat, mop, sit, etc. The second center is called Sound Matching. In this center, students look at the picture, think of the beginning sound and then place the letter of that beginning sound onto the picture.
Over the break, you can have your son or daughter practice sounds and writing simple words at home :)

We would like to thank everyone who made it out to our Celebration of Learning last week. It was a HUGE success! We hope you enjoyed our alphabet inquiry :)

Have a wonderful Spring break and we will see you all back at school on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018


Ms. Shustack and Mrs. G


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